Bring the advantages of cellular networks to your enterprise using private mobile (LTE & 5G) access, core, and endpoint solutions.
As networks become increasingly complex, interconnected, and mobile, it is essential that you implement as much simplicity, security, and ownership as possible.
Private cellular networks can enhance your enterprise network by giving you the same capabilities as Tier 1 carriers inside your enterprise.
Read our Asia case study, and contact us to discuss what private cellular solutions can do for you.
Private LTE solutions utilize a mixture of the following components based on your needs.
Own the access layer of the LTE network to eliminate costs related to data usage and release creativity on your network.
Provide enhanced perfomance, security, and true mobility both indoors and outdoors on your premises.
The LTE EPC is the heart of the LTE network. The EPC controls things like data flow, authentication, and mobility.
Deploy a configurable EPC with SDN capabilities that make next generation configuration and ownership of the LTE network possible today.
Deploy a hybrid solution with both private RAN and carrier RAN on the same SIM.
Pair the hybrid access layer with a private software-defined EPC to deploy a full-stack LTE network within your enterprise.
Our private LTE networking solutions are powered by Expeto's Nextworking platform.